Ideas that are breaking through borders, change lives and ultimately can change the world. And most importantly ideas that are new! We believe the best ideas come from people who found ways to break through borders between regions, industries, enterprises and through their own borders.
Are you or do you know a potential speaker who has a great idea worth spreading, and has the ability to break through borders and is a good speaker? Then we are looking for you!
Check out our 'Breaking through your borders' page for more information and the process you have to go to, to become a TEDxVenlo speaker: .
You can apply as a speaker or recommend someone until april 17th.
Do you need some more information before deciding to apply as a speaker or not: on the 11th of april we're hosting an information meeting. At that time you can hear all about the proces and TEDxVenlo from the organisation, an ex-speaker and a speakers coach.
Location and time will soon be announced. It will be an evening and the location will be in the centre of Venlo.